JSC Companion Prof. Josef Dietrich Haupt Passed Away

With deep regret, JSC is sad to announce that on 13 May 2021, its long-time companion Josef Dietrich (Dieter) Haupt, Professor Emeritus at RWTH Aachen University, passed away. He was one of the directors at the RWTH computer centre in the 1980s and 1990s. Beyond RWTH, he was significantly involved in the expansion and shaping of the science system in Germany – including co-founding the DFN-Verein and the Gesellschaft für Informatik. JSC will remember him above all as a founding member of the Scientific Council of the then "Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum” (High-Performance Computing Centre) at Forschungszentrum Jülich. In this role, he accompanied and strengthened the development of high-performance computing in Jülich until the foundation of the John von Neumann Institute (NIC). Colleagues at NIC will remember him fondly.

from JSC News No. 281, 16 June 2021

Last Modified: 05.07.2022