TOAR Database Infrastructure Certified by CoreTrustSeal

The Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) Database Infrastructure developed and operated at JSC has been certified as a Trustworthy Data Repository by the CoreTrustSeal Standards and Certification Board. The certificate is valid for three years.

CoreTrustSeal is an international, community-based, non-governmental, and non-profit organization promot­ing sustainable and trustworthy data infrastructures. The certificate requires the infrastructure to provide open data and data management policies that call for the long-term storage and accessibility of data as a basis for data sharing. This has to be proven by complying with a set of 17 requirements concerning the background, organizational infrastructure, digital object management, and technology.

The TOAR Database Infrastructure contains one of the world's largest collections of near-surface air quality measurements and considers FAIR data principles as integral. A special feature of its data service is the on-demand processing and product generation of several air quality metrics directly from the underlying database. For the application for the CoreTrustSeal certification, the TOAR Database Infrastructure pro­vided the necessary evidence through extensive docu­mentation of the database, its structure, metadata, and processes, as well as the services offered.

Contact: PD Dr. Martin Schultz

from JSC News No. 289, 4 July 2022

Last Modified: 08.07.2022