Science online: "Science – Systems – Silicon: How Integrated Circuits are Developed at ZEA-2" Dr. André Zambanini (ZEA-2)

Join us on January 12th at 15:00 PM online on MS Teams.

A central research topic in ZEA-2 is the use of integrated circuits to enable scalable systems in science. A good example for this is the increase of qubit numbers for a quantum computer from a handful to an order of millions. In this talk, we want to give an overview of the engineering and development process how to get to an integrated circuit with highlights from our current research activities as illustrations. The lecture will be held in German.

Anyone with an internet connection and a computer or tablet can join the event at the given time. You can choose if you want to turn on your camera or microphone. No registration is necessary to join the event.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

Attention: As of January 23, we will be changing platforms. Instead of BigBlueButton, you will then find us on MS Teams. Here is the dial-in link for all future events from 12.01.2023.

Join the Event via BigBlueButton

Dr. André Zambanini (ZEA-2)
Dr. André Zambanini (ZEA-2)
Last Modified: 10.01.2023