Climate station

Climate station at the research centre Jülich

Climate station
Climate garden

The weather station is affiliated to the Essen regional measuring network group of the German Weather Service (DWD). In addition to meteorological measurements, climatological observations are made on a regular basis. They are carried out on three fixed dates each day. These mainly involve determining variables that are not recorded by the automatic measuring system on the meteorological tower. Examples of such parameters include the degree and type of cloud cover, type and intensity of precipitation, visibility and snow depth, as well as the observation of dew, frost and the condition of the ground.

The data is sent to the Essen weather office on a monthly basis. The station also participates in the German Weather Service's hail warning service (Sofortwarnung Hagel). Heavy hailstorms with a damaging effect on plants or economic assets are immediately reported to the Essen weather office, which then issues warnings if necessary.

Contact: Dr. Patrizia Ney

Last Modified: 08.05.2024