Terrestrial biogeochemistry

At Terrestrial Biogeochemistry, we investigate soil-plant interactions, elemental cycles, and biogeochemical processes. Using cutting-edge techniques like stable isotope analysis and advanced mass spectrometry, alongside numerical modeling, we explore nutrient transport, organic matter cycling, and the role of colloids and interfaces.


Our research ranges from molecular-scale studies of biotic and abiotic processes to macroscale assessments of ecosystem responses to human activities and global change. Through lab experiments, field studies, and numerical modeling, we decipher how environmental changes affect nutrient dynamics, carbon storage, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Key areas include understanding soil nutrient cycles, studying biosphere-atmosphere trace gas exchange, tracing heavy metal fate, and quantifying soil-plant-atmosphere fluxes. We integrate process-based models and data to inform sustainable agricultural practices and enhance soil-root interaction understanding.

With our collaborative, holistic approach spanning molecular to macroscale processes, we aim to develop management strategies for resilient and sustainable terrestrial ecosystems.

Last Modified: 26.03.2024